
In 1998, two years after first writing about his “Consolidated Program” in his book Heavy Duty II: Mind & Body, Mike discovered that performing three exercises in a given workout (which was the original Consolidated Program), posed a problem for some trainees in terms of overlap for the muscles of the upper body. After some fine-tuning with his clients, he reduced the volume of the program down to two exercises per workout and created two different workouts of two exercises each. Each set was performed for one set to failure after a (very) brief warmup. He didn’t recommend that all trainees use this program, nor that those who did needed to stay with it in perpetuity. However, as he noted, from the perspective of performing the least amount of exercise necessary to stimulate a strength and size increase, you couldn’t get much lower - and, as each set represented activity that your body would need to recover from, the removal of superfluous sets meant that your body would not waste any of its energy performing exercises that did little other than drain your recovery ability. In this video, Mike explains the whys and wherefores of the program for those who find themselves on the lower end of the genetic tolerance to exercise continuum, as well as those who have become so strong that they simply cannot tolerate a lot of high-intensity sets in their current training sessions.


Foreign, thank you.

What I'm going to present to you is a detailed outline of a modified improved version of the consolidation program listed in heavy duty, 2, mind and body.

My latest book from one perspective, at least it might be said that this is a perfect bodybuilding program.

If you keep in mind, at least that the ideal situation is to be able to stimulate all of the major muscles of the body with the least amount of exercise possible we'll go through this quickly without unduly Herring it.

What I would suggest you consider trying at least for part of the year, of course, you're, not morally legally bound to do this all year round.

But as I tell my training clients, having hired me as your trainer it's, my job to get you growing stronger and bigger in the fastest way possible and I have found through considerable experience that this this program literally does represent again from a certain perspective throughout part of the training year, a perfect program.

I would suggest you start my training once a week doing two different basic workouts, what refer to them here as workout a and workout B.

Now, a lot of people like conveniently to work out on weekends.

So what you would do is on the first weekend do work out a seven days later, do workout B workout, a will consist of number one, a set of squats, preferably on a machine.

If not the Nautilus Duo squat, then perhaps a Smith machine.

If you have any problems with your back, or you can't do squats for whatever reason then I said, I would suggest you substitute leg presses do one set of squats to fail.

Your 8 to 15 reps now that's, just a guide figure by the way 8-15, uh, I, don't know that there is a perfect rep range.

But you got to start somewhere.

You have to do something eight to Fifteen as proven empirically through observation to work quite well for the legs after a brief rest.

And by a brief rest, I mean, go get a drink of water walk around for a few seconds, 30 seconds, a minute, depending upon your existing condition, but rest as little as possible as soon as you recognize you're ready to go proceed to a set of close grip, Palms up, pull Downs, close grip, Palms up, pull downs.

And by that, I mean, your grip should be eight or ten inches apart, depending upon your shoulder width and your physical stature Palms up, I need a curling grip.

Your palms are literally facing up initiate the movement with extreme deliberation, utilizing no thrust or momentum to get the way started and to keep it moving pull it down to your clavicles under hyper strict control pause for a long static, count of two or three seconds and lower understood control that's all you're going to do a set of squats 8 to 15 to failure, followed by a very brief rest.

And he said, a close grip, Palms up pull down six to ten reps to failure.

That's all you're gonna do two sets two exercises.

One set of each one week later, you'll do workout B, which will consist of number one, a set of regular, not stiff-legged, but the regular old-fashioned deadlift, or as many of you here seem to enjoy, you might want to use the trap bar that's, fine with me, five to eight reps to failure after a brief rest proceed to exercise number two, a set of dips six to ten reps to failure.

Now, let's return to the why why is this program that I'm I just gave you from one perspective again, perfect.

Well, let's, look at the pull Downs While.

Most people think of them exclusively as a light exercise.

And they are very good for the lats.

They are also very effective in working the rear delt.

And it just so happens to be true.


The clothes strip Palms up pull down is the best bicep exercise in the world better than any curl.

You can do here's.

Why when you do a curl whether it's a barbell curl a nautilus curl, a dumbbell curl, whatever you're working this muscle around a single joint axis, the elbow, which is why the stress is limited exclusively to the lower bicep.

If you've noticed when doing a close grip, Palms up pull down on the other hand, you're working the bicep around the joint the elbow joint and the shoulder.

The muscle is Contracting more uniformly from both ends.

And the dips again, I said, think of the dips as the upper body squat dips are by far without a doubt they're unparalleled.

They are the best exercise for PEX delts and triceps.

Did any of you happen to catch thee or watch the Olympics from Atlanta a couple summers ago on this Forest.

There were three Americans who worked the parallel bar as you may recall, free American gymnasts who worked at parallel bars that possessed pecks shoulders and arms like those of an advanced bodybuilder, literally, not just, you know, kind of beginning, bodybuilders, but Advanced bodybuilders.

One of my recent fellow clients happens to be deeply involved in the world of gymnastics.

And he knows those three guys, he told me that people asked them off all the time if they lift weights and they don't.

They develop those big upper bodies doing dips.

And then just last Sunday I happened to tune in literally by accident to ABC Wide World of Sports at a gymnastics competition.

At one point, they did a close-up of Yvonne ivanko have you ever heard of him incredibly heavily muscled guy as he was shot.

He was putting chalk on his hands for the in preparation for the overhead horizontal bar where you do chin UPS, mostly as he supinated, the palm of his right hand to put on the chalk, his bicep, isolated and popped out.

It looked as big and even more defined as most advanced, even professional bodybuilders.

The point here is that this program will stimulate strength and size increases in all of your major muscles.

My suggestion is that you do this workout regimen for at least six months in order to maximize your body's anabolic process.

Yes, I know, there's a thousand exercises you could do.

But you got to draw the line somewhere at the least amount possible.

A few final points on the program, don't make the mistake of gauging or evaluating the success, the success of any one of these workouts based on pumper soreness, if getting a pup was clear proof that growth was stimulated.

Then all these people I see training volume Style for hours, even two and three times a day would have 32 inch Arms by now, because they get pumped every day twice and Thrice a day for years.

Getting a pump is not important.

It feels good I like it myself, but it's, not important.

The main point here is, and this is an important point.

You won't know that any one of these workouts was a successful workout until the next time you do that workout if you're stronger, obviously a positive change took place.

And the point there is keep a training Journal record.

The date of each workout you list your body weight at the beginning list, the exercises, the amount of weight, of course and be real cautious and careful about this last Point accurately record, the number of risks.


Thank you.



How many times a week did Mike Mentzer train? ›

For more than ten years, Mentzer's Heavy Duty program involved 7–9 sets per workout on a three-day-per-week schedule.

What was Mike Mentzer workout routine? ›

Mike used a few different training splits throughout his career. His book, Heavy Duty, outlined his program following a push, pull, legs routine. With this split, he trained his chest, shoulders, and triceps together on day one. Back, traps, and biceps on day two.

How many sets did Mike Mentzer do? ›

“The secret, if there is one, is high intensity. And when you actually train with high-intensity, you don't need a lot of volume,” Arthur Jones said. In 1979, Mentzer prescribed only 3-6 working sets per body part (supersets count as two sets), with typically one or two lighter warmup sets per exercise.

Did Mike Mentzer really train 2 hours a week? ›

In an interview with Cable Sports, in 1991, Mike breaks down the unconventional training routine that led him to win Mr. Olympia: “Contrary to what most bodybuilders do, which is train 2–4 hours a day, 7 days a week, to obtain that condition, I trained literally for 30 minutes, 4 times a week.”

Did Arnold train 6 days a week? ›

Arnold would train six days a week, twice a day when preparing for the Mr. Olympia contest. Furthermore, he would also train each muscle group three times a week, often doing as many as 20-30 sets for each body part.

What was Mike Mentzer's diet? ›

In fact, he argued that lifters should eat 4 servings each of fruit and high-quality grains, along with 2 servings each of protein and dairy. Going even further against the grain, Mentzer wasn't a big believer in high protein diets, saying that 1.2 grams per pound of body weight was overkill.

Is 1 set to failure enough? ›

Training to failure for one set per exercise elicits twice the strength gains as not training to failure. Increasing the number of sets taken to failure from one set to two, three or four provides no more benefit than doing just one set to failure.

What was prime Mike Tyson daily workout? ›

One of the craziest parts of his training was his Mike Tyson bodyweight workout, in which he would do an insane amount of bodyweight exercises six days per week. He would do 2,000 air squats, 2,500 sit-ups, 500 push-ups, 500 bench dips, 500 neck curls, 500 barbell shrugs, and ten minutes of wrestler bridges.

Does the Mike Mentzer program work? ›

Does the Mike Mentzer heavy duty training method effective to develop muscles? Yes. In so far as the time it takes you to adapt to it. Then you will have to return to more “conventional” means-more volumes-sets, exercises/frequency etc.

What rep range did Mike Mentzer use? ›

He advocated a heavier form of HIT. Whereas Jones prescribed one 20-rep set per exercise, Mentzer lowered the ideal rep range to six to nine: Choose a weight so heavy that you reach absolute failure at six to nine reps, then keep going. Failure wasn't enough for Mentzer's Heavy Duty system. It went beyond.

Is 23 sets too much? ›

The Takeway For How Many Sets You Should Do

Each workout can consist of a total of around 15-25 sets, but the number of sets for a specific muscle group in that workout should be at around 10 or below.

What made Arnold's physique so good? ›

A Strong Foundation

Arnold began training at age 15. While his focus was always on bodybuilding, he wanted his muscles to be not only aesthetic but also bursting with power. Heavy training in the form of Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting were part of his routines almost from the beginning.

How many calories a day did Mike Mentzer eat? ›

He advised four servings of high-quality grains, four servings of fruit, two servings of dairy, and two servings of protein a day. He consumed food like pancakes and ice cream, but managed to maintain his lean physique by limiting his daily calorie intake to 2,000.

How do physique competitors get so lean? ›

The way these physique athletes get as ripped as they want to be, exactly when they want to, is by manipulating their diets in a cyclical fashion between pre-contest "cutting" programs and off season "maintenance" or "muscle growth" programs.

How many times did Mike Tyson train per week? ›


Beginning four or five weeks before a fight, Mike would train 50-60 hours a week, working six days a week. He would spar 200 plus rounds without headgear because Cus believed that headgear gave the fighter a false sense of security. Mike would drop about 15-20 pounds during training camp.

How many times a week do pro bodybuilders train? ›

Beginning bodybuilders should lift weights about twice per week. Professional bodybuilders lift weights 5-6 days per week.

How many hours did Arnold train a week? ›

Arnold Schwarzenegger, 74, works out every day for up to 1.5 hours, cycling and lifting weights. As a professional bodybuilder, he used to work out for five hours a day, he told Insider.

Does Mike Mentzer training really work? ›

While this philosophy looks great in theory, there are several problems with it. First off, it is impossible to always train with maximum intensity. Mike is said to have used amphetamines to keep his training intensity high. The problem with that approach is that it will overload the CNS and lead to burn out.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.